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CBT for OCD and Health Anxiety

Live Online | 1 Day | 8th June

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Participants will gain familiarity with the CBT models of OCD and Health Anxiety and will learn to become more confident applying a Cognitive Behavioural framework & CBT interventions to these issues.


CBT for OCD & Health Anxiety

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Health Anxiety Disorder (formerly known as hypochondria) are both in the spotlight at present due to the nature of the Coronavirus threat. The link is not just the level of the frequent handwashing that we are advised to do – that is only a relatively superficial type of connection, and mainly to certain subtypes of OCD. 


People with OCD are fearful of a variety of stimuli, environments, ideas etc that they associate with threat and danger. The danger themes that we find include health/contamination, but also security (e.g. checking that doors are locked), or fear that they could behave in a violent or sexually inappropriate way. Sufferers experience persistent intrusive thoughts (which they try to suppress) about these themes, as well as repetitive compulsive behaviours or mental actions aimed at reducing anxiety and preventing feared outcomes.


Those with Health Anxiety problems largely confine their worries to the domain of illness, constantly monitoring their bodily surface and sensations for possible symptoms, which they then catastrophise based on their anxiety rather than on appropriate evidence.


Who is this course for?  

This course is suitable for counsellors and psychotherapists, including those in training, who are interested in understanding more about how to work with these two specialised disorders – OCD and Health Anxiety. This course would also be suitable for those working in the allied health professions, such as GPs, nurses, social workers, who encounter these disorders in their workplace.


What are the benefits of doing this course? 

Participants will not only gain a unique understanding of how people present with both OCD and health anxiety, they will also acquire the tools necessary to work effectively in reducing the symptoms of these disorders which interrupt healthy functioning.


What will you learn?

People with OCD are fearful of a variety of stimuli, environments, ideas etc that they associate with threat and danger. The danger themes that we find include health/contamination, but also security (e.g. checking that doors are locked), or fear that they could behave in a violent or sexually inappropriate way. Sufferers experience persistent intrusive thoughts (which they try to suppress) about these themes, as well as repetitive compulsive behaviours or mental actions aimed at reducing anxiety and preventing feared outcomes.


Those with Health Anxiety problems largely confine their worries to the domain of illness, constantly monitoring their bodily surface and sensations for possible symptoms, which they then catastrophise based on their anxiety rather than on appropriate evidence.


Participants will learn how to apply CBT techniques to the above presentations.

Course Details


DURATION: 1 Day    START DATE: 8th June 2025


TIMETABLE: Saturday from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm 


AWARD: PCI College Certificate of Attendance


VENUE: Live Online




  • The nature of Obsessions, Compulsions & Rituals
  • The Cognitive Model of OCD
  • Underlying Beliefs in OCD
  • CBT Interventions for OCD
  • The Cognitive Model of Health Anxiety
  • The Role of Checking, Reassurance-Seeking & “Doctor Google”
  • CBT interventions for Health Anxiety

Entry Requirements



This is a CPD workshop specifically designed for Counsellors & Psychotherapist or other helping professionals with therapeutic experience and students currently in professional training. BSc Counselling & Psychotherapy students in Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 of their studies are all invited to apply for this CPD workshop.


IT SKILLS: Students require sufficient IT skills to complete the course.


Students can expect to be provided with advice and support concerning any learning difficulties that they may encounter. Any diagnosed learning difficulty, e.g. dyslexia, must be noted on the application.

Course Fees



Full Price: €100

PCI College Graduate*: €85

PCI College BSc/MSc Student & Alumni Member Discount Price: €75 - Join Alumni group on LinkedIn here to avail of discount.

*PCI College Graduate rate applies to BSc Degree and Postgraduate students only.



Applicants are invited to book online using the book now. Applications must be accompanied by the payment of the full course fee. Applicants are entitled to a refund if they decide to cancel within 14 days of receipt of their booking, and didn't participate on the course. Please note that the name used on your application needs to be the same name that you have on your passport.


Fees are non-refundable in all personal circumstances. The College makes every effort to avoid altering course times, course commencement and conclusion dates. However, should any changes be necessary, you will be notified at the earliest opportunity. All courses run subject to demand and the formation of a viable class cohort. A full refund will be given to all applicants in the event that the class does not proceed


For more information, please visit our full Terms & Conditions page.

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Course Venues:   Athlone   |   Belfast   |   Carrick-on-Shannon   |   Cork   |   Dublin   |   Kilkenny   |   Limerick
